Fundraising for Documentary
We are filming a documentary to explore the living process and purpose of Native American lodge and its sacred history.
Marita Hacker and Harold Dick Jr. with Apache Gaan painting
Our co-founders Marita and Harold, are Dakota Hunkpapa/Norwegian and Chiricahua Apache respectively. For nearly 30 years they’ve offered sweat lodge to native and non-native people, to sundancers on their way to the arbor, and to veterans who sought healing from the toils of war.
Theirs is a love story. A marriage of culture and tradition, loss and adventure, and an account of what it takes to put “the medicine” first in a modern world.
Each captivating in their own right, we hear stories of their lives before meeting– and how they were brought together by providence to carry on so that, “Nothing comes before the medicine”.
This documentary chronicles the simple lives of two people who sought the wisdom of their ancestors in hopes of it continuing to future generations. This documentary is a love story for all that was lost and for all that is yet to come.